All of our field trips are now listed on our Events Page

Be sure to see the “Go Birding” page for information on meeting locations, what to bring, and other helpful hints.

Cancellation policy: Field trip leaders will make the decision and notify participants. We will also post the decision on this page.

We recently acquired several pairs of binoculars we are now loaning out on our walks. Please let your trip leader know if you need to borrow a pair so we can make appropriate arrangements. 

Would you like to lead a field trip? No experience necessary, just enthusiasm and a friendly attitude. Contact Heidi Eaton, for more information on volunteering to lead a trip for Aiken Audubon.

More Options

Pueblo’s Arkansas Valley Audubon Society welcomes us on their trips. Check their website for the latest information.

Denver Field Ornithologists also sponsors many field trips each month. Check the right-hand bar on their website’s home page for a month-by-month listing.