All of our previous meetings are recorded and available on our YouTube channel



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Aiken Audubon Monthly Meeting. Green Big Year with Scott Somershoe.

The Colorado birding community lost one of its pillars when Joe Roller passed away in November 2020. Joe was a fount of birding lore and loved people as much as birds. Many considered him a beloved friend. To honor Joe’s legacy, Scott partnered with Colorado Field Ornithologists (CFO) and created the Joe Roller Memorial Grant

Aiken Audubon Monthly Meeting. Shorebirds on the Edge: Piping Plovers and Interior Least Terns

Zoom [online]

Dr. Sara Harrod, Natural Resources Specialist with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, will be speaking about the Piping Plover and Interior Least Tern monitoring program at John Martin Reservoir. The presentation includes a brief overview of John Martin, the biology of plovers and terns, conservation issues these birds face, what the Corps of Engineers and

Tracking Birds From The Great Plains to The Chihuahuan Desert

Zoom [online]

Grassland birds are among the most imperiled group of birds in the United States. The Motus Wildlife Tracking System (Motus) is a network of automated radio telemetry stations that offers an effective method to explore animal movement. Join Avian Ecologist Matt Webb to learn more about how Bird Conservancy of the Rockies is developing a

Aiken monthly meeting: Effects of Climate Change on Birds of Colorado (and beyond)

Zoom [online]

Join us next Wednesday, March 16 @ 7:00 pm for our monthly meeting and presentation. Aiken President, Clark Jones, will be giving a presentation examining the forecasted (and observed) effects of climate change on birds in Colorado. Current climate models portend to a warmer future in Colorado. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association

Aiken Monthly Meeting: Eric Eaton asks, “Why Despise Flies?”

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Office 4255 Sinton Rd, Colorado Springs

New meeting location! We are now meeting in person at the Colorado Parks and Wildlife Office (4255 Sinton Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80907). The entrance to the classroom is on the back (east) side of the office and parking is available. For our first meeting of the fall 2022 season, we have a special guest

Aiken Monthly Meeting: The Joy of Birding The Land of Enchantment & The Lone Star State

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Office 4255 Sinton Rd, Colorado Springs

Join us at the October meeting for a birding trip presentation by Ruben Rodriguez. Ruben will share helpful travel information and his wonderful photography from New Mexico and Texas to include highlights of Bosque Del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, South Padre Island and Mustang Island. Ruben will also share about his visit to the Mitchell

Aiken Monthly Meeting: Birds of the Western National Monuments

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Office 4255 Sinton Rd, Colorado Springs

Join Aiken and author, photographer, and adventurer, Mike Endres, for a dive into some of the National Monuments of the western U.S. and the birds that call them home. Mike is the author of the Colorado Mountain Club Guide to Western National Monuments, and spent roughly 5 years researching the various monuments for this guide, visiting most of them two or more times.

Aiken Monthly Meeting January 2023 | Effects of Drought on Shortgrass Prairie Birds

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Office 4255 Sinton Rd, Colorado Springs

Effects of Drought on Breeding Populations of Shortgrass Prairie Birds on the Pueblo Chemical Depot Dr. Claire Varian-Ramos will discuss how the shortgrass prairie is threatened by anthropogenic environmental changes, including climate change. Climate models indicate increased probability of dryer summers across much of the region. Despite declining populations, shortgrass prairie birds remain understudied. Some

Aiken Monthly Meeting May 2023 | The Birds of Central Panama and Darien Lowlands

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Office 4255 Sinton Rd, Colorado Springs

Join us for our monthly meeting this May as we travel to Panama (through photos) with John Bruder! Experience the incredible avian birds diversity of the lowlands of central Panama, the foothills of western Panama, and the remote stretches of eastern Panama as John and Risë bird for 21 days at the three exceptional Canopy

Aiken Monthly Meeting and Silent Auction Sept. 2023 | Birdie Big Year: Elevating Women Birders

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Office 4255 Sinton Rd, Colorado Springs

Silent Auction, Tacos & Bird Talk (meet & mingle) 5:30pm Meeting announcements 7:00pm Program Presentation 7:15pm We took a break this summer and we're ready to get back to birding with you this fall! September is the beginning of our monthly meeting presentation series for 2023-2034, and we are very excited to announce Tiffany Kersten

Aiken Monthly Meeting Oct. 2023 | Plants & Birds & Rocks & Things: A Birding Adventure in Southeast Arizona

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Office 4255 Sinton Rd, Colorado Springs

Southeast Arizona is a birding mecca and a must-visit area for birding and nature enthusiasts. From expansive deserts with towering saguaros to remote mountains with sycamore streams, the region is home to rare, unique, and coveted birds that can be found only in this tiny corner of the United States. Join Jessica on two adventures to the

Aiken Monthly Meeting November 2023 | Tracking the Long-Distance Migration & Stopover Ecology of Flammulated Owls

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Office 4255 Sinton Rd, Colorado Springs

Join us for a great evening with Dr. Brian Linkhart from Colorado College as he discusses his work with Flammulated Owls. The Rocky Mountains of southern Colorado have been the home base for a 40-year investigation of the breeding ecology of Flammulated Owls, a fist-sized insectivore that primarily breeds in the pine forests of western

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