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CANCELED DUE TO WEATHER – Join Aiken & Deb Strike for a trip to Fairplay on March 14th! Come join us!

March 14 @ 8:15 am

Canceled due to weather!

Aiken and Deb Strike are inviting 7 others to visit Deb’s home in Fairplay, which is notorious for great mountain birding!  To register, email Melanie at  Know that the commute is 2 hours each way.  We will be carpooling from Rock Ledge Ranch parking lot, meeting at 815a on Friday, March 14th.  Depending on the weather, 4 wheel drive and snow tires are preferred for the 2 vehicles used in carpooling.

When you register, please let Melanie know if you can drive and whether you have 4 wheel drive.  Four passengers in each of the 2 cars is needed.

Bring your lunch!   Also the birds can be seen from a comfortable and warm cabin. Big advantage!

  Possible birds:
Rosy finches
Mountain chickadee
Canada Jays
Clark’s Nutcracker
Pine Grosbeak
Red Crossbills
White breasted Nuthatch
Red Breasted Nuthatch
Stellar’s jay
Hairy woodpecker
Pine Siskin
Rough legged hawks can be seen from the road around Hartsel sometimes.  Moose have been seen also.


March 14
8:15 am
Event Category:

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